Celebrity10 Famous Scientist and their inventions

10 Famous Scientist and their inventions

Let’s learn about the most famous and renowned scientist in the world. Here are some of them:

Leonardo da Vinci

Famous scientist Leonardo was born on 15 April, 1452. He was an Italian Painter, Scientist, architech, Mathematician, Engineer, Geologist, Botanist, Anatomist and many others. He was the archetype of the great men of the renaissance-instatiably curious and a genius by birth. Vinci had made inventions in almost all the fields fo science, medicine and art. He was an extraordinary artist who created masterpiences like The Baptism of Christ, The Madonna of the Carnation, Annunciation, The Last Supper, The legendary Mona Lisa and many more too.

Leonardo da Vinci made path-breaking contributions in science and engineering . Most of his works are in mirror image cursive. He was master of Topographic anatomy (Topographic anatomy study of the body structure and the relationships between it’s various regions like, nerves, muscles and arteries.)and created teh dreawings of muscles, tendons and other parts of the human body. He also has made the drawings of Aeroplane, Hydraulic pumps, and reversible crank mechanism. Vinci was passed away on 2 may 1519 at the age of 66 yeas old.

Leonardo da vinci drawings
Leonardo da Vinci Dreawings, Image collage Source: sharpinn.com

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a greatest scientist of all time that we can say proudly. He was born on 14 March 1879. He held the German Citizenship untill 1896. Then 1896 to 1901, he was stateless. Then he went to Switserland and stayed there 1901 to 1955. He was in United states of America untill 1955 from 1940. Einstein completed his PhD from Univierity of Zurich in 1905.

Albert Einstein
Childhood Photo of Great Scientist and Physicist Albert Einstein, Photo Source: Wikipeda

He has married with Mileva Maric on 1903, but they seperated in 1919. Then Elsa Lowenthal was his second wife, wich whom he married in 1919. He has Also kids named: Lieserl, Hans Albert and Eduard “Tete

Albert Einstein Wife
Albert Einstein with Mileva Maric and Elsa Einstein, source; sharpin

He derived immense fame being a supreme physicist till date. He gave many eminent theories and discoveries in the major scientific fields, which are namely grabvity, time energy and lingt. Among the various contributions mad eby him, Brownian Motion ranks first where he offered predictions based on statistics, which explained the thory of distribution and the movemnet of particles in solution. He also obtained massive popularity for his “Special Theory of Relativity” for which he was awarde the Nobel Prize in 1921.

He even worked on the  basic and essential strata of science like photons and thermodynamics. In the year 1916 he was marked as the year of Einstein as he has coined the “General Theory of Relativity“, which was related to the extensive effect of gravitational force. He also invented the Law of Photoelectric effect with the help of his general theory of relativity in 1921.

Here are the list of Albert Einstein’s Inventions:

  1. General Reletivity E=mc²                              Albert Einstein Awards
  2. Theory of Brownian Motion                       1. Barnard medal 1920
  3. Einstein equations                                      2. Nobel Prize in Physics 1921
  4. bose-Einstein Statistics                             3. Matteucci Medal 1921
  5. Bose-Einstein Condensate                       4. ForMemRs 1921
  6. Gravitational Wave                                     5. Copley Medal 1925
  7. Cosmological Constant                             6. Gold Medal of Royal Astronomical Society in 1926
  8. Unified Field Theory                                     7. Max Planck Medal
  9. EPR Paradox                                                   8. Member of the National Academy of Sciences
  10. Ensemble Interpretation                             9. Time Person of the Century 1999

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham bell is one of the most popular scientists in the world. We are using the  Telephone which is the Very First inventor is Graham Bell. He was not only a scientist but also an inventor, engineer and innovator. His birth date is 3 March 1847. His ethnicity is Scottish. For the invention of the telephone he was patented in 1876 by the US government. Afther the great invention of the telephone, he invented so many things including groundbreaking work in Optical Telecommunication, Hydrofoils and Aeronautics. In 1888 he became one to the most talented member of National Geographic Society. Here are some of his Awards:
Albert medal 1902
John Freitz Medal 1907
Elliott Cresson Medal 1912
Hughes medal 1913
IEEE Edison Medal 1914
Alexander Graham Bell started experiments at his early stage of life with his  neighbour friend. Many of us didn’t know that his mother and wife were deaf. He has two brothers Melville James Bell and Edward Charles Bell, both of them died of tuberculosis. His father name was Alexander melville Bell and mother’s name was Eliza Gracce bell.

The first invention of Alexander Graham Bell was a homemade device that combined rotating paddles with sets of nail brushes, which is simply used to dehusking. He was studied at the Royal High School, Edinburgh in early life.

Alexander Graham Bell with his wife Nabel and two fo his daughters Elsie and Marian, Source: Wikipedia

Alexander Graham Bell and his wife Mabel Gardiner Bubbard has 4 kids with two daughters Elsie and Marian and two son.

Some Greatest Inventions of Alexander Graham Bell

  • Harmonic Telegraph  (It uses for sending multiple message over a single wire with
  • Telephone                        different aduio frequencies for each message)
  • Audiometer
  • Metal Detector
  • Vaccum Jacket
  • Graphophone  (It uses wax cylindrs to record and play back sound)
  • Aileron      (It is ahinged flight control trailing edge of aircraft wing with Longitudinal axis)
  • Twisted Pair
  • Mine Detector

Greatesti inventor Aexander Graham bell died on August 2, 1922 at the age of 75, causes from diabetes. At the time of his death his wife Mabel said to bell “Don’t leave me, and Bell replyied “no….” then he died shortly after.

CHarles Babbage

Great Polymath and Mathematician charles babbage was born on 26 December 1791 in London, England. He was raised in the Protestant form oth the Christian Faith. Also he known for the title ‘Father of the Computer‘.

Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage, Source; computer Hope

He was a great English born philosopher, Mathematician, Mechanical engineer and Inventor of Computer. This year 2024, im expressing my words with the help of Computer which was invented by Great harles Babbage, so i’m very thankful to him and “Rest in Peach in Heaven.”
His first mechanical Computer was a simple device, which has different engine and parts, it was assembled by his son after his death.

At the first he called it Difference Engine (later named as Dirrerence Engine), that was 8 feet tall and weighed 15 tons. For his efforts that led to the invention of an engine that could be used for calculating astronimocaal and mathematical tables. He was awarded with ‘ Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society’ in 1824. His achievements were may more, some of his greatest inventions are as follows:

A part of Difference Engine of Charles Babbage, Source; the History Press

Difference Engine
Analytical Engine (First Steam-powered computer, Lady Ada Lovelace the first Computer Programmer, who wrote the Mathematics problems for Charles Babbage’s Machines)

He was sent to a country school in Alphington at first then he attended King Edwart VI Grammer School. Then he joined Holmwood Academy and Cambridge University in 1810.
Now Charles Emerged as a Polemicist. His biographers notes that all his book contain a “campaigning element”.

There are several books and articles by Charles Babbage, Some of them are as follows:

  • Pasages from the Life of a Philospher
  • The Ninth Bridgewater
  • Charles babbage on the Principles and Development of the Calculator and other Seminal Writings
  • On Electric and Magnetic Rotations
  • Observations on the temple of Serapis at Poxxuoli…
  • Abstract of a Paper Entitled
  • Table of ALogarithms of the Natural numbers form 1 to 108000
  • On the Determination of THe General Term of a new class on Infinite Series…
  • Thoughts on the Principles of Taxation with Reference to a property tax and its exceptions
  • The ninth Bridgewater
  • On the Influnce of a sign in Mathematical Reasoning
  • An Essay on General Principles which regulate the Application of Machinery to Manufactires
  • Memorirs of the Analytical Society
  • Babbage’s Calculating Engines and others…

Charles Babbage married to Georgianan Whitmore which was the sister of British Parliamentarian William Wolryche-Whitmore at St. Michael’s Church in Devon. They both have 8 kids together but only four has survived. They were, Benjamin Herschel Georgiana Whitmore, Dugald Nromhead and Henry Prevost.

Charles Babbage died at the age of 79 in 18 October 1871. He was buried in London’s Kensal Green Cemetery.

Unknown Facts: The Half Brain of Charles babbage is Preserved at the Hunterian Museum in the Royal College of Surgeons in London and the other half is on display in the Science Museum, London.

Marie Curie

The winner of Noberl Prize of Physics in the year 1903 along with Nobel Prize in Chmistry in 1911, Marie Curei was brought up in Warsaw, Poland. Marie Curie Coined the term ‘ Radioactivity‘ and Discovere Polonium and Radium , bouth of which are Isotopes and used in present day treatment of Neoplasm by Medical Practitioners. Marie Curie was born in 7 November 1867 in Warshaw Poland, Russian Empire.

Although she shared the Phhysics Nobel Prize yet she is still the only woman to receive the tow greatest awards in thw world. An active member in the World War I and Post-World War Days, Marie Curie developed mobile radiology units for thousand soldiers where they coyuld be treated. The Curie Institute in Paris and Warsaw founded by her aare popular research centres today. She stydied in the University of Paris. In the year os 2011, she was decleared as the year of Marie Curie by Poland and France in her hhonour.

As per her contribution she got several medals and prizes, here are some of them…

  • Nobel Prize in Physics 1903 (Marie, husband Pierre Curie and Henri becquerel Awarded)
  • Davy medal 1903 (Awarded by the Royal Society of London in Chemistry)
  • Matteucci Medal 1904 (Awarded by the Italian Society of Science in Physics)
  • Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911 (By Solely to Marie for the discovery of Polonium & Radium)
  • Elliott Cresson Medal 1921 (By Franklin Institute for the Progress of Science)
  • Franklin Medal 1921 ( By franklin again for the discoveries in the firle of Chemistry)
  • Hertha Sponer Prize 1931 (By German Physical Society for contributions to Physics)

Her career began with her studies at Soubonne University in Paris, there she met her husband Pierre Curie. Together they discovered two new elements Polonium and Readium. Pierre Curie, Irene Joliot-Curie, Eve Curie and Bronistawa Sklodowska are tthe four kids of marie and Pierre Curie together.

Marie Curie and Pierre Curie
Fist woman to win 2 Nobel Prize Marie Curie and her Husband Pierre Curie, Source: Wikipedia

Marie Curie visited poland for the last in 1934, just a monthe later on July 4, 1934 she died at the aged of 66. She died of Aplastic Anemia, which is believed to have been long contact with radiation, and it causes damage to her bone marrow. She was also exposed to Z-rays in World War I. When her body was exhumed in 1995, the French office de protection contre les reyonnements lonisants (OPRI)  “concluded that she couldn’t have been exposed to lethal levels of radium while she was alive”.

As one of the most wellknown scientists in the bistory, marie Curie has become an icon in the Science. Also she was the first woman to win Nobel Prize and also first to win 2 Nobel Prizes.

Michael Faraday

Famous Scientist Michael Faraday was born in 22 September 1791 in Newington butts, Surrey, England. He is most famous in the fielf of Electrochemistry and Electromagnetism. This scientis has discovered electrolysis, electromagnetic induction, Diamagnetism and so on. He had a Civil Law Degree from Oxford Universtiy. His discovery of Magnetic field and a direct current conductor is considered very vital roles in physics.

Michael Faraday
Greatest Scientist Michael Faraday, Image Source: Wikipedia

The Invention of the Electric motor was developed from his discovery of electromagnetic rotary  devices. He also proved the relation between light rays and magnetism. He also developed the concept of diamagnetism and researched upon the chlorine clathrate hydrate. His Faraday Cage effect is major in th efield of static electricity. His discoveries in Chemistry included Bunsen burner benzene etc. Major terms in Chemistry such as Ion, Cathode, Electode, Anode were Invented by him. He was a pioneer Chemistry professor in the Royal Institute of Great Britain and Served there until his death.

Here are the Greatest Inventions of Scientist Michael Faraday…

Faraday Cage (It relate to principle of shielding from electrical fields by enclosing a space with a conductive material)
Electrolysis (It make the quantitative relation between electricity and chemical reactions)
Electric Generator (Converts Mechanical Energy into Electrical Energy)
Electrical Motor  (Converts Electrical energy into mechanical energy)
Homopolar Generator (Simple Generator produces direct current)
Toy Balloon (Demonstrated static electricity principles, inspiring  curiosity and experimentation in physics)
Bicycle Dynamo ( This device converts mechanical energy from bicycle motion into electricity)

Michael Faraday’s honor and remembrance of his great scientific contribution, several institutions have created prizes and aswrds in his name as follows:

  • IET Faraday Medal
  • Royal Society of London Michael Faraday Prize
  • Institute of Physics Michael Faraday medal and Prize
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Faraday Lectureship Prize

Michael faraday married with Sarah Barnard on 12 june 1821. They met through their families at the Sandemanian church and michael confessed his faith to the Sandemanian congregation the month after they were married. They had no children.
He has unexpectedly died in 25 August, 1867 at the age of 75 years old.

Nikola Tesla

Engineer, Inventor, Electrical, Mechanical Engineer and Futurist Nikola Tesla was born in July 10, 1856 in smiljan, Austria. He is known as the father of modern alternating current (AC). He was born in the Austrian Empire and studied engineering and physics without receiving a degree. Then he moved to United States in 1884. He worked for little in Edison Machine Works. Then he make laboratries and companies in NY to develop the electrical and mechanical devices including induction  motor and Polyphas Ac. 

Nicola Tesla at the age of 34
Nicola Tesla at the age of 34, Image Source: Quora

His discovery in the field of electromagnetism provided a basis of Michale Faraday to work on his discoveries of wireless communication and radio. His inventions of wireless energy transfer to power divices in 1891 led to the power. He was deemed as a ‘mad scientist’ because of his short temper nature. He is known as the inventor of the SI unit which measure the magnetic field. some of his inventions and discoveries are as follows:

  1. Tesla Coil (A type of electrical transformer in 1891)
  2. Alternating Current (AC) (An electric current that perodiocally reverses direction)
  3. Neon lighting (A type of cold cathode gas)
  4. Radio Control Boats (Wireless transmeter and Coltroler which steer by operator)
  5. Shadowgraph (It is a tool for visualizing and analyszing moving objects)
  6. The Tesla Turbine ( A bladeless turbine where fluid , air creating pressure to move)
  7. Radio  (It use radio waves to transmit sound to listener with radio receivers)
  8. Hydroelectric Power (Use water with kinetic energy &run moter to generate electriy)
  9. Magnifying Transmitter (It transmit the electric power wirelessly, like, Microwave)
  10. Induction Motor (It use AC current to convert electrical  energy to mechanical energy)
Nikola Tesla’s Awards and prizes

There are many awards and honors received by Nicola Tesla are as follows:

  • Grand officer of the Order of St. Sava 1892
  • Elliott Cresson Medal 1894
  • Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Danilo 1895
  • AIEE Edison Medal 1916
  • member of the American Philosophical Society 1896
  • Grand Cross of Order of St. Sava
  • Cross of the Order of the Yugoslav Crown
  • John Scott medal 1934
  • Order of the White Eagle 1936
  • Grand Cross of the order of the White lion 1937
  • Mdal ofo the University of Paris 1937
  • The medal of the University St. Clement of rOrchrida 1939

As we know that Nicola Tesla was Lifelong single, who never married. He once said “I felt that i could  never be worth y enough for a woman”.  Francis Marion Crewfore, Robert Underwood Johnson and Stanford White are the good friend of Nicola Tesla. He claimed also that he never sleep move than two hours per night. Tesla said ” Buddhism and Christianity are the greatest religions both in number of disciples and importance. To me, the universe is simply a great machine which functionings of the body when this functioning ceases, the’Soul’ or the ‘Spirit’ Ceases likewis”.


Nicola Tesla was died in 7 January, 1943 at the age of 86. He died alone in Room 3327 of the Hotel New Yorker. Medical examiner H.W. Wembley announced that he died of Coronary Thrombosis (a type of heart attack).

Rudolf Diesel

Rudolf Christian karl Diesel, most famous as Rudolf Diesel who was born in 18 March, 1858 was a great Inventor and Mechanical Engineer. He manufacture the diesel engine, which was a revolutionary in the field of automibile. He studied at the industrial School of Augsburg then went to Royal bavarian Polytechnic of Munich.

Rudolf Diesel
Inventor, Engineer Rudolf Diesel invent diesel engine first, Photo Source: study.com

He begun his career as a refrigerator engineer, ice plant and designed many engines, like diesel engines, which started in 1897. Rudolf known as a social theorist and reputable thermal engineer. He also honored by Elliott Creasson Medal in 1901 for the making Diesel engines. Also he built a steam engine using ammonia vapor, but it exploded and almost killed himself. He understood Thermodynamics and theoretical an practical constrainst on fuel effeciency. First of his diesel engine Motor 250/400 was officially tested in 1897, and now on display at the German Technical Museum in Munich.

Rudolf mattied Martha Flasche and had 3 kids, Rudolf Jr,, Heddy and Eugen.


Rudolf Diesel dissappeared under suspicious circumstances on September, 1913, while en route to London. His cabin was discovered abandoned, his bunk was untouched and and his things were neatly arranged.  Later on, his wife came across a stash of money as well as emptied bank accounts. Ten days after the facts, a casaver resembling his likeness washed up at sea, even though there are different notions regarding the cause of his death by British Government. However there is still not confirmed the cause reason behind of his death.

Sir Isaac Newton

‘Sir’ is the common title for men who have been knighted in England, and he was knighted by Britain’s Queen Anne in 1705. Newton was considered as one to fhte most influential English Mathematicians and Physicists in the world. He was born on 25 Decembere 1642 in Lincolnshire, England. He studied at The King’s school, then Trinity College at the university of Cambridge. His life experience and his innate and unique and very great talent proved his intellectual life, however he had a very difficult childhood.

Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton, who describe the nature and law of Gravity first, Image Source: Neliti

We everyone knows that remind about him to a person sitting under an apple tree and watching an apple falling on the ground. Then this incident helped him to discover the force of Gravity. he invented infinitesimal Calculus and new theory of light and color. As well as the three laws of motion ny Newton changed the entire structure of physical science. Newton was very modest about his achievement yet from the world known French mathematicians to English Poets, all had only praises about his work.

Here are the list of Sir Isaac Newton’s inventions.

  • Newton’s Orbital Cannon
  • Newtonian Cat Doors
  • Laying Down the Three laws of Motion
  • The Philosopher’s Stone
  • Advanced mathematical Principles
  • Rainbows and White Light
  • Newton and the Reflecting Telescope
  • Newton Perfected Coinage
  • Newton’s Law of Cooling
  • Newtonian Apocalypse

Sir Isaac newton had never married. He spent his later years living with his niece at Cranbury Park near to the Winchester, England. Newton peacefully died in his sleep on 31 March 1727. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. He was the first scientist to be accorded that honor.

Some interesting facts about Isaac Newton:

  • Isaac Newton has two birthdays (He was born in 4 January 1643 with Gregorian Calendar and as per the julian calendar he was born in the early hours of Christmans day, 1642)
  • he almost stop his education ( Due to family circumstances he almost stop taking education)
  • An Apple never actually fell on his head (This is actually a lie!, the story was just imagined)
  • Isaac Newton discovered more than just gravity (He also found Three laws of motion)
  • Isaac Newton has his own Special 50P coin, from Royal Mint.
  • Isaac Newton has never married in his entire life
  • He died peacefully at the age of 84, while sleeping.
  • Once, his dog set fire in his Laboratory.

Isaac Newton held several positions in his life. Royal Society of London, President of the Royal Society, Member of Parliament for Cambridge University, Warden of the Mint, Master of the Mint  are the positions held by Isaac Newton in his life.

What are the famous Inventions and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton? Here are some tof the famous inventions by him.

  1. Calculus (It is Created by German Mathematician Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton)
  2. Reflecting Telescope (It Collects and Concentrates light using a mirror)
  3. Color Spectrum (The range of Hues that human eye can see is known as the color spectrum)
  4. Laws of Motion (There are Three laws of mothion related of object and force)
  5. Law of Universal Gravitation (It asserts that every object in the cosmos is drawn to every other item with a force inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them and proportional to the product of their masses)
  6. Method of Fluxions (It analogous to the current ideas of a derivative and refers to the instantaneous rate of change of a variable)
  7. Invention of the Sextant (It measure the angle between the horizon and velestial object, like sun or stars)
  8. Nature of White Light (Discover the White Ligt splits into the rainbow’s colors as it passes through a prism)
  9. Law of Cooling (It defines how an object cools down)

Stephen Hawking

Great English Thorretical Physicist and Cosmologist stephen Hawking was born in 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England. His full name  is Stephen William Hawking who is widely reconized as teh director at centre for Theoretical Cosmology and Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. He was born into a physicians family, and he began to study at university college, oxford at the age of 17. Then he graduate at Trinity Hall, and PhD degree in applied Mathematics and theoretical physics, specialising in general relativity and cosmology.

Stephen Hawking, Image Source: Facebook

At the age of 21, Hawking diagnosed with an early onset slow progressing form of motor neurone disease that gradually over decades, paralysed him.

He is known as the author of ‘A Brief History of Time’, an international bestseller for a record breaking 237 weeks. His other publications include ‘A Brief History of Time’, ‘Black Holes and Baby Universe’  and ‘The universe in a nutshell. Despita suffering from motor nurone disease, he has done significant work in physicas with his proposal of the four laws of black hole mechanics coupled with the drawings if thermodynamics. He calculated thet black holes emit radiation, now known as Hawking or Bekensein-Hawking radiation in 1974. His work in super gravity and the top  down cosmology theory are well received by the scientist of the world.

Stephen Hawking has received the highest vivilian award in the US, the presidential Medal of Freedom. Others awards and honors are as follows:

Awards and achivements

  1. Adams Prize (1966)
  2. Hughes Medal (1976)
  3. Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics (1976)
  4. James Clerk Maxwell Medal and Prize (1976)
  5. Eddington Medal (1975)
  6. Franklin Medal (1981)
  7. Order of the British Empire (1982)
  8. Copley Medal (2006)
  9. Fonseca Prize (2008)
  10. Presidential Medal of Freedom (2009)
  11. Wolf Prize in Physics (1988)
  12. Albert Einstein Medal (1979)
  13. Albert Einstein Award (1978)
  14. Dirac Medal (1987)
  15. Princess of Asturias Award for Concord (1989)
  16. Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society (1985)
  17. Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (2013)
  18. Audie Award for Science Fiction (2019)

Disease of Stephen Hawkings and his Wheelchair mechanism:

He received a diagnosis of sclerosis (ALS) commonly known as Lou Gehrigs disease and Motor Neurone Disease (MND), when he was 21 years old. ALS is a disease that impacts nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord resulting in muscle control loss and eventual paralysis.

Hawking relied on a wheelchair fitted with technologies to aid him as his condition worsened. Here’s how his wheelchair functioned and offered assistance;

Electric Wheelchair; Stephen Hawking utilized a wheelchair that enabled him to move despite his paralysis. The chair was maneuvered using a joystick attached to the armrest, which he controlled with hand or finger movements.
Speech Generator; His wheelchair also featured a speech synthesizer system. As his condition advanced he lost his speaking ability. Resorted to using a speech synthesizer for communication. The synthesizer was linked to a computer, on his wheelchair operated through movements of his cheek muscles or eyebrow twitches.
Tailored Controls; As time passed and his health declined further Hawkings wheelchair and communication system were customized to meet his requirements. For instance he personalized the settings of his speech synthesizer with an voice that became iconic and easily recognizable.

Adapting for Movement; The wheelchair underwent modifications to be suitable, for both outdoor use. It included speed options the ability to navigate through spaces and stability on different types of surfaces. These changes enabled Hawking to carry on with his research, as a physicist and attend conferences and public gatherings.

Some Interesting Facts about Stephen Hawkings:

  • He was a pretty average student at primary school.
  • When stephen was 21, he was told he would only live little.
  • He favoured athe american accent.
  • There’s a story behind he losing his speech.
  • Stephen Hawkings once, backflip at the age of 65 in Zero Gravity.
  • He and his friends built a computer out of old clock parts, telephone switchboard and other recycled items and named was “Einstein”.
  • He used walking sticks and Crutches after his diagnosis, but later he use electric wheelchair.
  • Hawking developed theories about how the world began and futhered our understanding of black holes, stars and universe.
  • If you have any others interesting facte related to Stephen Hawkings, please feel free to contact and message us.

Stephen Hawking married with his wife Jane Wilde in 14 July 1965 in their shared hometown of St. Albans. The couple had three kids, Robert, Lucy and Timothy. His relegious views was with Christianity. In an interview, in 2006 Stephen Hawking expressed his desire to journey into space. Richard Branson, the creator of Virgin Galactic kindly offered him a flight, which Hawking enthusiastically agreed to. He viewed this opportunity as a way to motivate others and demonstrate the capabilities of individuals with disabilities. In April 2007 Hawking took flight on a adapted aircraft, off the Florida coast to experience weightlessness. Despite worries he coped admirably with the experience. The flight was deemed a success. Although he had hoped to venture into space by 2009 commercial flights did not commence in time before his passing.


On March 14, 2018, Stephen Hawking passed away peacefully at his home in Cambridge at the age of 76. His family confirmed his peaceful passing. Tributes poured in from various fields, and Gonville and Caius College honored him by flying their flag at half-mast and setting up a condolence book signed by students and visitors.

His funeral, held on March 31, 2018, at Great St Mary’s Church in Cambridge, was attended by notable figures such as actors Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones, musician Brian May, and model Lily Cole. Benedict Cumberbatch, Tim Peake, Martin Rees, and Kip Thorne provided readings. Although Hawking was atheist, a traditional Anglican service was conducted. Later, a thanksgiving service was held at Westminster Abbey on June 15, 2018, where his ashes were interred between the graves of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.

There are many scientist, Inventors, Mathematicians and more who contribute ther efforts, talents, knowledge and Hard working. Resulting we are able to use and lived to this modern world. So we thank to everyone who had contribute their inventions, doscoveris and products.

This articles have written with the references of some books as well as wikipedia, if you have any objection in this articles please, feel free to contact us.
Thank you.

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