Health15 Plant-Based Milk Alternatives: Nutritional Values, and Comparison with Dairy Milk

15 Plant-Based Milk Alternatives: Nutritional Values, and Comparison with Dairy Milk

Here is the best ideas to substitude the dairy milk, which is we consuming daily. These plant based milks are more healthier and less calories milk than dairy milk.

Plant-based milk also called non-dairy or alternative milk, is a drink made by extracting plant materials and mixing them with water. These milks offer options to regular dairy milk and have gained popularity because they suit people who can’t digest lactose, have milk allergies, or follow a vegan diet.

Let’s explore those plant based milks, which could be the greatest substitude of dairy milk and also healthier rather than dairy.

1. Almond Milk

Almond milk is a smooth nutty drink made from ground almonds. It has few calories and often contains added vitamins and minerals. To make it: Soak almonds overnight, blend them with water, and strain to get the milk. What’s in it (per 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Calories 30-50 kCal
Protein 1 grams
Fat 2.5 grams
Carbohydrates 1-2 grams
Calcium 450 mg

Health Benefits of Almond Milk

  • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Almond milk has a lot of vitamins E, D, and A. It also contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These give you key nutrients your body needs.
  • Supports Heart Health: Almond milk has healthy fats and no cholesterol. This can help keep your heart in good shape.
  • Aids Digestion: The fiber in almond milk can help your digestive system work better and keep your gut healthy.
  • Boosts Bone Strength: The calcium and vitamin D found in almond milk help to build and maintain strong bones.
  • May Improve Skin Health: Almond milk contains antioxidants and vitamin E. These can feed your skin and protect it from damage.

Almond Milk vs. Cow’s Milk

  • Almond milk contains no lactose or dairy, so people who can’t handle lactose or have dairy allergies can drink it.
  • Cow’s milk has more protein than almond milk, but almond milk has an edge in some vitamins and minerals like vitamin E and magnesium.
  • You can include almond milk and cow’s milk in a well-rounded diet, and your choice depends on what your body needs and what you like.

Versatile Almond Milk-Based Items

  • You can use almond milk in many recipes, including smoothies baked goods, sauces, and soups.
  • Products like yogurt, ice cream, and cheese made from almond milk offer dairy-free choices for people looking for plant-based options.
  • Almond milk works as a dairy-free substitute in coffee, tea, and cereal.

2. Soy Milk

Soy milk is a protein-packed alternative that’s similar to dairy milk in texture and nutrients. To make it: Soak soybeans, blend them with water, strain the mixture then boil the liquid to get soy milk. Nutrients (in 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Calories 80-100 kCal
Protein 7-8 grams
Fat 4-5 grams
Carbohydrates 3-4 grams
Calcium 300 mg

Health Benefits of Soy Milk

  • Has an impact on Heart Health: Soy protein and isoflavones in soy milk help keep cholesterol levels in check and lower the chances of heart disease.
  • Boosts Bone Health: Calcium and vitamin D found in soy milk help build strong healthy bones.
  • Improves Digestive Function: Most people can handle soy milk well making it a good choice for those who can’t digest lactose.
  • Might Cut Cancer Risk: Research hints that isoflavones in soy milk could shield against some types of cancer.

Soy Milk vs. Cow’s Milk

  • Soy milk doesn’t have lactose or dairy, so people who can’t handle lactose or follow vegan/vegetarian diets often choose it.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, soy milk has less saturated fat and cholesterol, but more fiber.
  • Soy milk has a bit less protein than cow’s milk, but it’s still a good way to get plant-based protein.

What you can do with Soy Milk?

  • You can use soy milk to replace cow’s milk in many recipes. It works well in baked goods, smoothies, sauces, and soups.
  • Products made from soy milk, like tofu, tempeh, and plant-based meat alternatives, give people who want to cut down on animal products more choices.
  • People can drink soy milk on its own as a healthy and refreshing drink. It comes in plain or flavored options.

3. Oat Milk

Oat milk has a natural sweetness and creaminess, which makes it great to use in coffee and baking. Preparation: You make it by blending oats with water then straining to separate the milk from the pulp. Nutritional Value (per 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Calories 120-130 kCal
Protein 3-4 grams
Fat 5 grams
Carbohdyrates 16-18 grams
Calcium 350 mg

Health Benefits of Oat Milk

  • Helps Digestion: The fiber in oat milk can boost regular bowel movements and gut health overall.
  • Keeps Cholesterol in Check: Oat milk’s beta-glucans might reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and boost heart health.
  • Gives Long-lasting Energy: Oat milk’s complex carbs can offer a steady energy source all day.
  • Could Boost Immunity: Oat milk has antioxidants and other good plant compounds to support the immune system.

Oat Milk Vs. Dairy Milk

  • Oat milk contains no lactose or dairy, so it works well for people who can’t handle lactose or stick to vegan or plant-based diets.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, oat milk has fewer calories less fat, and less protein, but more carbs and fiber.
  • Making oat milk also leaves a smaller carbon footprint than producing dairy milk, which makes it better for the environment.

What you can do with Oat Milk?

  • You can use oat milk instead of dairy milk in lots of recipes. It works well in baked goods, smoothies, sauces, and soups.
  • Oat milk helps make dairy-free versions of things made with milk. Think oat milk ice cream, yogurt, and even cheese.
  • People also drink oat milk on its own. It’s tasty and good for you. You can have it plain or try different flavors.

4. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk tastes tropical and shows up a lot in cooking Asian dishes. To make it: Mix shredded coconut with water then strain to get the milk. What’s in it (per 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Calories 50-75 kCal
Protein 0.5 grams
Fat 5 grams
Carbohydrates 1-2 grams
Calcium 100 mg

Why choose Coconut milk?

  • People make coconut milk, a thick and creamy plant-based drink, from the flesh of ripe coconuts.
  • It offers plenty of good fats medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which might boost your health in several ways.
  • You’ll also find small amounts of vitamins and minerals in coconut milk, like vitamin C, iron, and magnesium.

Health Benefits of Coconut Milk

  • Good for Your Heart: The healthy fats in coconut milk, like lauric acid, might make your cholesterol better and cut down your chances of getting heart disease.
  • Helps Your Immune System: Coconut milk has stuff in it that fights germs and viruses, which can make your immune system stronger.
  • Helps with Weight: The MCTs in coconut milk might make you feel full and help you keep a healthy weight.
  • Makes Skin and Hair Better: The fats and vitamins in coconut milk can feed and moisturize your skin and hair.

Coconut Milk Versus Dairy Milk

  • Coconut milk has no lactose or dairy, so it’s a good choice for people who can’t handle lactose or who eat only plants.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, coconut milk has more fat but less protein and carbs.
  • Coconut milk is creamy and has a rich taste, which means you can use it in many different recipes, both sweet and savory.

Versatility of Coco-milk

  • With regard to coconut milk, this non-dairy product is widely applicable in many recipes as curries, soups, smoothies and baked items.
  • It is possible to make plant-based products from it that are originally from animal sources such as coconut milk yogurt, ice cream or whipped cream.
  • In addition coconut milk is a flavorful and rich base for several sauces, dressings as well as marinades thus bringing an exotic taste to the food you prepare.

5. Rice Milk

Rice milk has a light taste, a slight sweetness, and works well for people who can’t eat nuts or soy. To make it: Cook rice, mix it with water in a blender, and strain the liquid. What’s in a cup:

Nutritions Values
Calories 120 kCal
Protein 1 gram
Fat 2.5 grams
Carbohydrates 22 grams
Calcium 300 mg

What Rice Milk Contains?

  • People make rice milk from rice grain starch.
  • It doesn’t have much fat or protein, with about 2-3 grams of protein in each cup.
  • Rice milk gives you carbs and often has added vitamins and minerals, like calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12.

How Rice Milk Can Help Your Health?

  • No Common Allergens: Rice milk doesn’t contain dairy, soy, or nuts, so it works well for people who have food allergies or can’t eat certain things.
  • Helps Build Strong Bones: Rice milk with added calcium and vitamin D can help keep your bones strong and healthy.
  • Easy on the Stomach: Most people find rice milk easy to digest, which makes it a good choice if you have a sensitive stomach.
  • Gives You Energy: The carbs in rice milk can give you steady energy throughout the day.

Rice Milk Vs. Dairy Milk

  • Rice milk doesn’t have lactose or dairy, so people who eat vegan or can’t have lactose often pick it.
  • Rice milk has fewer calories less fat, and not as much protein as cow’s milk, but it might not have as many nutrients overall.
  • Rice milk feels thinner and more like water than cow’s milk, but some brands make it creamier.

Many Ways to Use Rice Milk:

  • People can use rice milk to replace dairy milk in many recipes. This works for baked goods, cereal, smoothies, and sauces.
  • It helps make dairy-free versions of milk-based foods. These include ice cream, puddings, and even cheese made from rice milk.
  • You can drink rice milk on its own too. It’s a refreshing plant-based drink that doesn’t cause allergies. You can have it plain or with added flavors.

6. Cashew Milk

Cashew milk has a creamy smooth texture. It’s great for sauces and desserts. How to make it: Soak cashews, blend them with water, and strain the mix to get the milk. What’s in it (per 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Calories 25-30 kCal
Protein 1 gram
Carbohydrates 1-2 grams
Fat 2-4 grams
Calcium 300 mg

Nutritional Profile of Cashew Milk

  • Cashew milk is a smooth, plant-based drink made by blending cashews and water.
  • It gives you good fats, with helpful monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Cashew milk has some protein too about 1-2 grams in each cup, plus different vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Health Benefits of Cashew Milk

  • Has an impact on Heart Health: The monounsaturated fats in cashew milk help to keep cholesterol levels healthy and lower the chances of heart disease.
  • Helps to strengthen Bones: The calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in cashew milk play a role in building and keeping bones strong and healthy.
  • Improves Skin and Hair Health: The vitamins and antioxidants in cashew milk nourish the skin and hair giving them a glowing look.
  • Could help with Weight Control: The rich texture and moderate calories in cashew milk can make you feel full and content.

Cashew Milk Versus Dairy Milk

  • Cashew milk doesn’t contain lactose or dairy, so it works well for people who can’t handle lactose or eat plant-based foods.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, cashew milk has less protein but more good fats. It also feels creamier and richer when you drink it.
  • You’ll often find that cashew milk has fewer calories and less sugar than regular milk, which makes it a good choice if you’re watching what you eat.

Cashew Milks Uses:

  • You can use cashew milk instead of dairy in many recipes. It works well in smoothies, soups, sauces, and baked goods.
  • Cashew milk helps make plant-based versions of dairy products. You can create yogurt, ice cream, and even cheese with it.
  • People also drink cashew milk on its own. It’s tasty and healthy, and you can find it plain or with added flavors.

7. Hemp Milk

Hemp milk has lots of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and tastes nutty. To make it: Mix hemp seeds with water then strain to get the milk. Nutrients in 1 cup:

Nutritions Values
Protien 2-3 grams
Calories 60-80 kCal
Fat 5-7 grams
Carbohydrates 1 gram
Calcium 300mg

Nutritional Profile of Hemp Milk

  • Hemp milk comes from hemp plant seeds and has a lot of important nutrients.
  • It contains plenty of good fats omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which your body needs to stay healthy.
  • You’ll find about 4-5 grams of protein in each cup of hemp milk. It also gives you vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, iron, and magnesium.

Health Benefits of Hemp Milk

  • Helps Your Brain and Heart: Hemp milk has omega-3 and omega-6 fats. These fats keep your brain working well and your heart healthy.
  • Makes Skin and Hair Look Better: Hemp milk is full of vitamins, minerals, and good fats. These things feed and wet your skin and hair.
  • Boosts Your Body’s Defenses: Hemp milk has antioxidants and other good plant stuff. These things help your body fight off sickness.
  • Can Help Muscles Heal: Hemp milk has protein. This protein can help fix and heal your muscles after you work out.

Hemp Milk Versus Dairy Milk

  • Hemp milk doesn’t contain lactose or dairy, so it works well for people who can’t handle lactose or follow a vegan/plant-based diet.
  • Hemp milk has more healthy fats but less protein and carbs than dairy milk.
  • Hemp milk has a unique nutty and creamy taste, which means you can use it in sweet and savory recipes.

What you can make with Hemp Milk?

  • You can use hemp milk to replace dairy in many recipes. It works well in smoothies baked items, sauces, and even non-dairy ice cream.
  • It helps to create plant-based versions of milk products. These include yogurt, cheese, and coffee creamers made from hemp milk.
  • Hemp milk is good on its own too. You can drink it plain or try different flavors. It’s a healthy and eco-friendly plant drink.

8. Pea Milk

Pea milk is a newer option with lots of protein and a creamy feel. To make it: They take protein from yellow peas, mix it with water, and strain it. What’s in it (per 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Protien 8g
Calories 70-100 kCal
Fat 4.5 grams
Carbohydrates 1-2 grams
Calcium 450 mg

Nutritional Profile of Pea Milk

  • Pea milk comes from yellow split peas. It gives people who can’t have dairy a new choice for milk.
  • This milk has lots of protein. You get about 8-10 grams in each cup. This makes it one of the plant milks with the most protein.
  • Pea milk also gives you important vitamins and minerals. These include calcium, vitamin D, iron, and potassium.

Health Benefits of Pea Milk

  • Helps Muscles Grow and Heal: The top-notch plant protein in pea milk can boost muscle growth and repair.
  • Keeps Bones Strong: Fortified pea milk has calcium and vitamin D, which help maintain tough healthy bones.
  • Boosts Your Body’s Defenses: Pea milk contains many vitamins and minerals that can strengthen the immune system.
  • Protects Your Heart: Pea milk has little saturated fat and no cholesterol, which can help keep your heart healthy.

Pea Milk Vs. Dairy Milk

  • Pea milk doesn’t have lactose or dairy, so it works well for people who can’t handle lactose or who eat vegan or plant-based foods.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, pea milk has more protein and less fat, but about the same number of calories.
  • Pea milk feels smooth and creamy in your mouth and doesn’t taste like much, so you can use it in all kinds of recipes, whether they’re sweet or savory.

Many Ways to Use Pea Milk

  • You can use pea milk to replace dairy milk in many recipes. It works well in smoothies baked goods, sauces, and even coffee drinks.
  • Pea milk helps create plant-based versions of traditional dairy products. You can make yogurt, ice cream, and cheese using pea milk.
  • People can drink pea milk on its own as a nutritious and eco-friendly plant-based option. It comes in plain and flavored varieties.

9. Flaxseed Milk

Flaxseed milk has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids and gives off a nutty taste. To make it: Mix ground flaxseeds with water then filter to get the milk. Nutrients (in 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Calories 25-50 kCal
Protein 0-1 gram
Fat 2.5 gram
Carbohydrates 1-2 grams
Calcium 300 mg

Nutrient Facts of Flaxseed Milk

  • Flaxseed milk is a drink made from plants. People make it by grinding flaxseeds and mixing them with water.
  • It has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). These fats play a key role in keeping you healthy.
  • This milk also gives you fiber, protein, and many vitamins and minerals. You’ll find vitamin B12, magnesium, and manganese in it.

Health Benefits of Flaxseed Milk

  • Supports Heart Health: Flaxseed milk’s high omega-3 content has an influence on maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of heart disease.
  • Promotes Digestive Health: The fiber in flaxseed milk helps to support regular bowel movements and overall gut function.
  • Enhances Brain Function: Omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed milk might improve cognitive performance and brain health.
  • May Reduce Inflammation: Flaxseed’s anti-inflammatory properties help to alleviate inflammation in the body.

Flaxseed Milk Versus Dairy Milk

  • Flaxseed milk doesn’t have lactose or dairy, so it works well for people who can’t handle lactose or follow vegan or plant-based diets.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, flaxseed milk has less protein but more good fats and fiber.
  • The unique nutty and creamy taste of flaxseed milk can spice up different dishes.

Many Ways to Use Flaxseed Milk

  • People use flaxseed milk to replace dairy in many dishes. You can add it to smoothies baked goods, and sauces. It also works well in coffee and tea.
  • You can make plant-based versions of dairy products with flaxseed milk. These include yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
  • Flaxseed milk tastes good on its own too. You can drink it plain or try different flavors. It’s a healthy plant-based drink option.

10. Macadamia Milk

Macadamia milk has a creamy and buttery taste making it ideal to use in coffee and baking. To prepare: Blend macadamia nuts with water then strain to get the milk. Nutritional Value (per 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Calories 50-70 kCal
Protein 1 gram
Fat 4.5 grams
Carbohydrates 1 gram
Calcium 300 mg

Nutritional Profile of Macadamia Milk

  • Macadamia milk comes from the nuts of the macadamia tree.
  • It contains high levels of healthy fats monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, which can boost your health in many ways.
  • Macadamia milk provides a good amount of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium, and manganese.

Health Benefits of Macadamia Milk

  • Supports Heart Health: Macadamia milk contains high levels of monounsaturated fats. These fats help keep cholesterol levels in check and lower your chances of heart disease.
  • Promotes Brain Function: The good fats and antioxidants found in macadamia milk might boost brain health and thinking skills.
  • Enhances Skin and Hair Health: Macadamia milk has vitamins and minerals that can feed and shield your skin and hair.
  • May Aid Weight Management: Macadamia milk has a rich texture and not too many calories. This can make you feel full and content.

Macadamia Milk Vs. Dairy Milk

  • Macadamia milk has no lactose or dairy, so it works well for people who can’t handle lactose or those eating vegan or plant-based diets.
  • When you compare it to dairy milk, macadamia milk contains more healthy fats but less protein and carbs.
  • The smooth creamy feel and sweet taste of macadamia milk can bring a special luxurious touch to many dishes.

How to Use Macadamia Milk in Different Ways

  • You can use macadamia milk to replace dairy in many recipes. It works well in smoothies baked goods, sauces, and even coffee drinks.
  • It helps create plant-based versions of dairy products. You can make yogurt, ice cream, and cheese using macadamia milk.
  • People also enjoy drinking macadamia milk on its own. It’s a tasty and healthy plant-based drink, available plain or with added flavors.

11. Hazelnut Milk

Hazelnut milk has a strong nutty taste making it a flavorful option. To make it: Blend hazelnuts with water then strain the mixture. Nutritional Value (per 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Calories 30-90 kCal
Protein 2 grams
Fat 3 grams
Carbohydrates 2 grams
Calcium 300 mg

Nutritional Profile of Hazelnut Milk

  • People make hazelnut milk by blending hazelnuts and water.
  • It has an abundance of healthy fats especially monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, which can boost your health in many ways.
  • You’ll also find a fair amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals in hazelnut milk, including vitamin E, magnesium, and copper.

Health Benefits of Hazelnut Milk

  • Supports Heart Health: Hazelnut milk contains monounsaturated fats that can help keep cholesterol levels in check and lower your chances of developing heart disease.
  • Enhances Brain Function: The antioxidants and vitamins found in hazelnut milk might boost your brain power and overall brain health.
  • Promotes Skin and Hair Health: The nutrients packed in hazelnut milk can feed and shield your skin and hair.
  • May Aid Weight Management: Hazelnut milk’s creamy texture and moderate calorie count can make you feel full and content.

Hazelnut Milk Versus Dairy Milk

  • Hazelnut milk has no lactose or dairy, so it’s a good choice for people who can’t handle lactose or eat vegan/plant-based foods.
  • When you compare it to dairy milk, hazelnut milk has less protein but more healthy fats and fiber.
  • The unique nutty and sweet taste of hazelnut milk can give a special rich feel to many recipes.

How to Use Hazelnut Milk in Many Ways?

  • You can use hazelnut milk instead of dairy in many recipes. It works well in smoothies baked stuff, sauces, and even coffee drinks.
  • It’s great for making plant-based versions of things that need dairy. Think hazelnut milk yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
  • Hazelnut milk tastes good on its own too. You can drink it plain or try different flavors. It’s a tasty and healthy plant-based drink option.

12. Quinoa Milk

Quinoa milk has a lot of protein and tastes a bit earthy. How to make it: Cook quinoa, mix it with water in a blender, and strain to get the milk. What’s in it (for each cup):

Nutritions Values
Protein 2-3 grams
Calories 70-90 kCal
Fat 1 gram
Carbohydrates 12 grams
Calcium 300 mg

What we can get from Quinoa Milk?

  • Quinoa milk is a milk substitute derived from plants from the quinoa grain, which has been around for centuries.
  • It packs a punch when it comes to complete plant-based protein offering about 8-10 grams in each cup. This makes it one of the top choices for protein content among plant-based milks.
  • This milk alternative also delivers complex carbs, fiber, and a range of key vitamins and minerals. You’ll find iron, magnesium, and folate in there too.

Health Benefits of Quinoa Milk

  • Helps Muscles Grow and Repair: The top-notch protein in quinoa milk can build and keep muscles healthy.
  • Boosts Gut Health: The fiber in quinoa milk can help you poop and keep your gut working well.
  • Gives You More Energy: The complex carbs in quinoa milk can give you steady energy all day long.
  • Might Help Control Blood Sugar: Quinoa’s low glycemic index can help manage your blood sugar levels.

Quinoa Milk Vs. Dairy Milk

  • Quinoa milk doesn’t contain lactose or dairy, so it works well for people who can’t digest lactose or who eat plant-based foods.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, quinoa milk has more protein, fiber, and complex carbs, but less fat and some vitamins.
  • Quinoa milk has a creamy feel and a slight nutty taste, which can bring something new and healthy to different recipes.

Many Ways to Use Quinoa Milk

  • You can use quinoa milk instead of dairy in many recipes. It works well in smoothies oatmeal baked goods, and even savory dishes.
  • It helps create plant-based versions of traditional dairy products. You can make yogurt, ice cream, and cheese with quinoa milk.
  • Quinoa milk tastes good on its own too. You can drink it plain or try flavored options for a healthy plant-based beverage.

You may like to read: The Nutritional Powerhouse: Unveiling the Wonders of Quinoa

13. Tiger Nut Milk

Tiger nut milk has a natural sweetness and contains lots of prebiotic fiber. To make it: Soak tiger nuts, blend them with water, and strain the mixture. Nutrients in 1 cup:

Nutritions Values
Protein 1 gram
Calories 70-100 kCal
Fat 2 grams
Carbohydrates 10 grams
Calcium 150 mg

Nutritional Profile of Tiger Nut Milk

  • Tiger nut milk comes from the small sweet tubers of the tiger nut plant.
  • It has plenty of healthy fats monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, which can boost your health in many ways.
  • Tiger nut milk packs a lot of fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Health Benefits of Tiger Nut Milk

  • Supports Digestive Health: Tiger nut milk has a lot of fiber, which can help you poop and keep your gut working well.
  • Boosts Your Immune System: The good stuff in tiger nut milk, like antioxidants and vitamins, might strengthen your body’s defenses.
  • Keeps Your Heart Healthy: Tiger nut milk has fats that can help keep your cholesterol in check and lower your chances of heart problems.
  • Can Help with Weight Control: Tiger nut milk feels creamy and has a decent amount of calories, so it can make you feel full and content.

Tiger Nut Milk Versus Dairy Milk

  • Tiger nut milk doesn’t have lactose or dairy, so it works well for people who can’t digest lactose or who eat only plants.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, tiger nut milk has more good fats but less protein and calcium.
  • Tiger nut milk tastes a bit sweet and nutty, which can make recipes taste special and rich.

Many Ways to Use Tiger Nut Milk:

  • You can use tiger nut milk instead of dairy in many recipes. It works well in smoothies baked goods, sauces, and even coffee drinks.
  • It helps create plant-based versions of foods that usually contain dairy. These include yogurt, ice cream, and cheese made from tiger nut milk.
  • Tiger nut milk tastes good on its own too. You can drink it plain or try flavored versions as a healthy plant-based option.

14. Walnut Milk

Walnut milk has a slight bitter taste and contains lots of omega-3 fatty acids. How to make it: Mix walnuts with water in a blender then filter to get the milk. What’s in it (for each cup):

Nutritions Values
Protein 1 gram
Calories 30-50 kCal
Fat 3 grams
Carbohydrates 1 gram
Calcium 300 mg

Nutritional Profile of Walnut Milk

  • Walnut milk comes from blending walnuts and water.
  • It has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which help keep you healthy.
  • Walnut milk gives you protein, fiber, and many vitamins and minerals, like vitamin E, magnesium, and copper.

Health Benefits of Walnut Milk

  • Supports Brain Health: Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants in walnut milk have an influence on cognitive function and brain health.
  • Promotes Heart Health: Healthy fats and no cholesterol in walnut milk help to maintain good cholesterol levels and lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Enhances Skin and Hair Health: Vitamins and nutrients in walnut milk nourish and protect skin and hair.
  • May Aid Weight Management: Creamy texture and moderate calories in walnut milk help you feel full and satisfied.

Walnut Milk Versus Dairy Milk

  • People who can’t digest lactose or follow a vegan diet can drink walnut milk because it doesn’t contain dairy or lactose.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, walnut milk has more good fats but less protein and calcium.
  • Walnut milk has a unique nutty taste with a hint of creaminess, which can spice up many recipes.

Also Read: High-Protein Vegan Meals: Dinner and Lunch Ideas for Busy Nights

How to Use Walnut Milk in Different Ways?

  • You can use walnut milk as a substitute for dairy in many recipes. These include smoothies baked goods, sauces, and even coffee drinks.
  • It helps create plant-based versions of traditional dairy products. Examples are yogurt, ice cream, and cheese made from walnut milk.
  • You can also drink walnut milk on its own. It’s tasty and healthy, and comes in plain or flavored options.

15. Pumpkin Seeds Milk

Pumpkin seed milk packs nutrients and has a savory taste. To make it: Mix pumpkin seeds with water then strain to get the milk. Nutrients (in 1 cup):

Nutritions Values
Calories 40-60 kCal
Protein 2 grams
Fat 3 grams
Calcium 300 mg
Carbohydrates 2 grams

Nutritional Profile of Pumpkin Seed Milk

  • People make pumpkin seed milk by blending pumpkin seeds and water.
  • It packs plant-based protein offering about 4-6 grams per cup, and contains healthy fats omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
  • Pumpkin seed milk delivers key vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and iron.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Milk

  • Helps Prostate Health: Zinc in pumpkin seed milk keeps the prostate healthy.
  • Improves Immune Function: Antioxidants and vitamins in pumpkin seed milk make the immune system stronger.
  • Builds Strong Bones: Magnesium and calcium in pumpkin seed milk help build and keep bones strong and healthy.
  • Lowers Stress: Magnesium and tryptophan in pumpkin seed milk balance mood and cut down stress.

Pumpkin Seed Milk Versus Dairy Milk

  • Pumpkin seed milk contains no lactose or dairy so people who can’t digest lactose or follow vegan diets can drink it instead of regular milk.
  • When you compare it to cow’s milk, pumpkin seed milk has fewer calories less fat, and less protein, but it packs more of some vitamins and minerals.
  • Pumpkin seed milk has a unique taste – a bit nutty and earthy – which can give a special flavor to many dishes.

How to Use Pumpkin Seed Milk in Different Ways

  • People can use pumpkin seed milk instead of dairy in many recipes. It works well in smoothies baked goods, sauces, and even coffee drinks.
  • You can make plant-based versions of traditional dairy products with it. This includes yogurt, ice cream, and cheese made from pumpkin seed milk.
  • You can also drink pumpkin seed milk on its own. It’s a healthy and eco-friendly plant-based drink. You can have it plain or try different flavors.

Comparison between Plant Based Milk and Dairy Milk

  1. Protein Content: Dairy milk contains proteins, which are strong at 8 grams per cups helping in muscle building and repair. For plant-based milk, soy and pea milk have almost the same protein value, thus can be considered as good replacements.
  2. Calories and Fat: Products that are made from almonds, cashew, and flaxseeds, contain low amount of calories and fat making them suitable for individuals with low calorie needs. Nevertheless, coconut milk and macadamia milk contain higher fat, making them provide thicker mouth feel but more calories in the process.
  3. Carbohydrates: It has a protein content which is coming from milk and the carbohydrates from lactose also present on the product. Essential carbohydrates include rice milk and oat milk, and these are richer as compared to almond and flaxseed milk.
  4. Calcium: Some plant based milks contain added calcium they both contain equivalent or even more calcium content compared to dairy milk. Due to this, they can provide a good replacement in maintaining bone health.
Plant Based Milk vs Dairy Milk
Plant Based Milk vs dairy milk comparision, Via: Sharpinn/Donald

If participants want to obtain high protein replacements, then soy milk and pea milk are the most appropriate replacements. For less calorie and fat, the best choices are almond or cashew milk. If you like a thick texture, then, you should go for coconut milk or macadamia milk though they come with higher fat content. Despite the fact that most plant based milks are lower in calcium than dairy milk when fortified they are just as good for health.

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