ScienceThe Evolutionary Debate is Solved: Which Came First, the Chicken or the...

The Evolutionary Debate is Solved: Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

Discover how the egg came first from an evolutionary viewpoint and how the ancestor of modern chickens started evolving into pure chicken, also why it had to be so. Read further to get evidence-based insights providing solutions to this historical hens-and-egg issue.

Scientists and philosophers and even the peoples have always been at a loss as to which came first, the chicken or the egg. This dilemma can be resolved by examining evolutionary biology, genetics, and the fossil record, which can provide some clues concerning their origin. Today i’m going to reveal this unsolved debate.

The Evolution of Amniotic Eggs

Millions of years before chickens came into existence, there were already eggs. When the first amniotes evolved about 340 million years ago, the very first amniotic eggs appeared. Before these types of eggs came about, the majority of animals had depended on moist places to lay their eggs. Because otherwise they would dry up completely due to lack of water.

Eggs Evolution
Evolution of Eggs, Image Source: Adolphe Millot oeufs

Amniotic eggs have brought about a revolution in reproduction because they offer three additional membrane coverings, the amnion, chorion as well as allantois. Thus containing the growing life in itself. Consequently, they permitted the developing embryo to leave water thereby creating new opportunities for reproduction on land. In this way, they were enabled to access the required nutrients. Which also lead to respiration through exchange of gases while at the same time getting rid of waste products without necessarily living in water.

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Evolution, History and Origin of Domestic Chicken:

The red jungle fowl or Gallus gallus is the ancestor of the modern domestic chicken. It was domesticated from Southeast Asian wild red jungle fowl 10000 years back, according to historical records. According to genetic researches, its divergence from original species might have started around 58 thousand years ago. Due to mutations in zygote cells, this ermerged a separate kind of real chicken.

Chicken first or egg first?
Red Junglefowl, which is known as the father of all chicken, Image Source: Chicken Coop Plalns

Chicken Genetic Evidence and Egg Formation

The chicken came before the egg because specific proteins have a role in eggshell creation.

Which came first egg or chicken?
Genetic Evidence of an Eggs, Image Source: Semantic Scholar

Eggs have ovocleidin-17 (OC-17) as one of these proteins that is very important in hardening of chicken eggs. In hens, OC-17 is made within her ovaries making it possible for her to lay an egg instantly with hard shell around it when desired.

This protein is necessary for formation of typical eggshells associated with fowls. Hence it implies that there were already predetermined characteristics in birds before they evolved into existence as specific species at all periods since time began

An Evolutionary Perspective

Along with the evolution, eggs as a way animals reproduce came long before chicken itself. It was the initial amniotic egg of ancient amniotes that led to formation of reptiles, birds, mammals among other animals. As a result, although eggs were there for more than hundred million years ago, the actual specialization. Which gave rise to an egg with characteristics like those produced today only happened after some changes in genes of chickens had taken place.

Chicken came first or Egg First: Fact Revealed

Chicken and Egg debate is one of the most searched and debatable questions. It should be noted that the egg inevitably precedes the chicken in terms of genetic evolution. However, eggs in general are something much older than chickens are. Despite this, one cannot have a chicken egg until after they have had a chicken since it pertains to a specific way of forming an egg which requires OC-17 protein development present only in these species.

Researcher finally revealed that, Eggs came first in this world, image Source: sharpinn

Therefore, eggs came long before than chicken meaning that from a more recent perspective. We can say that the egg as defined now was laid by a bird that wasn’t quite chicken although it could have been its mother which don’t quite adhere with what we know from evidence. So, the facts is the Eggs came first in this world. And after the eggs, chicken has hatched.

Through understanding deep evolutionary history and the genetic intricacies involved, the complexity of what appears as an outwardly simple question becomes evident. In a wide evolutionary context, the evidence settles the age-old argument between which came first: the chicken or the egg?. The point first being made is that eggs have always been an integral part of the process of reproduction.

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