HealthThe Dark Path: Understanding the Motives Behind Murder and Ways to Prevent...

The Dark Path: Understanding the Motives Behind Murder and Ways to Prevent Violence

There are thousands of murder cases are registered within the USA in a year. Hyper aggression, Betrayal, Deceive, mental disorder, which could lead the peoples to the way of crime.

Considering recent high-profile cases like the conviction of Chad Daybell for killing his wife and two children, as well as the tragic death of a police officer in Arizona or Tulsi Gabbard’s aunt in Samoa, it is clear that murder is widespread. The act is so grievous that it cannot be undone.

Even though there Area unit totally different strategies out there for coming up with disagreements, some folks still find yourself fighting. In this post, I will contemplate why they interact in such offensive acts such as murder and also triying to find out the prevention/solution for these kind of crime.

Why Do People Attempt Murders?

Psychological and Emotional Factors

There are a great number of murders impelled by overpowering feelings and mental disorders. Pain, envy, the desire for reprisal and fright can force people out of their wits.For instance, Chad Daybell’s violent actions are mostly attributed to his profound religious delusions and beliefs in an apocalypse. By knowing what makes people tick and their emotional condition, one can detect high risk cases early enough to prevent disaster.

Image Source: sharpinn

Environmental and Social Influences

A person’s behaviour might be greatly affected by the environment they grew up and lived in. If they are exposed to violence, abuse at home or societal pressures; they may come to see aggression as normal reflection on external factor control individual behavior. In communities where there is much violence most times people perceive it as best alternative in addressing issues that touch on conflict resolution. Hence perpetuating this cycle without end. The murder of Tulsi Gabbard’s aunt might have been as a result of long standing societal norms combined with personal resentments against a renowned Samoan author.

Mental Health Issues

If mental health issues are left untreated, they might cause extreme behavior including murder. Depression, schizophrenia, and personality disorders often distort reality thus making it difficult for people to control their actions.

A police officer from Arizona might have been killed by someone who had not received proper treatment for mental illness in an incident where a call was made about a disturbance hence leading to the death.

Is There Any Sentimental Behavior That Makes People Hyper-Aggressive?

Sentimental triggers can make anyone very angry and consequently cause them to act violently. The examples of such behavior are as follow:

Betrayal and Infidelity (Unfaithfullness)

Betrayed emotions especially in intimate relationships always evoke severe anger and a wish for payback. Many times the occurrence of cheat brings emotional torture also making them think about murdering as a way of regaining self-command and respect.

Loss and Grief

Sometimes violent reactions happen when you lose someone you love because it hurts too much. If a person who is mourning blames anyone on their death they might be angry all the time to different people, thus causing agression.

Humiliation and Shame

Experiencing public humiliation or enduring long-term shame can force an individual to seek violent retaliation. One can be compelled to do extreme things by the wish to regain dignity.

What to Do When Your Mind Is Getting Ready to Attempt Murder?

If thoughts of violence occur to you or someone you know It’s very important to take immediate steps to calm the situation.

Firstly, Seek Professional Help

Seek advice from the specialist of the mind. Also marriage or health Therapists and counsellors will assist with methods on how to control anger as well as deal with its origins. One or several mental complications often need drugs.

Remove Yourself from the current Situation

You can calm your intense emotions by physically moving away from the conflict source. Walking around, going to a safe place, or talking to a supportive person would help.

Engage in Stress-Relief Activities

Engage in physical exercises, meditation and get a hobby as a way of reducing stress levels and refocusing the mind. When a person has aggressive urges, it is important to indulge in positive outlets.

 Best Mediation
Meditation helps to keep your mide peacefull and calm, Image Source: Facebook/maya


Discuss your feelings with a trusted persons. Often we simply need to admit our feelings so that we can cool down and make some sense before turning them into violent acts.

How to Keep Calm and Avoid Domestic Violence?

Establish Open Communication

You should never underestimate to the communication in love affairs. If you want to avoid violence, the best thing is to resolve your issues amicably through talks.

Set Boundaries

In order for relationships to be healthy, we all have to set a clear and exciting boundaries too. By respecting each other’s boundaries and recognizing how unique every person is, it is possible that we will decrease any disagreements among us.

Learn Conflict Resolution Skills

We can learn the many ideas, skills and informations from various online sources for solving the disputes. Active listening, empathy, and negotiation are different techniques that can aid in solving tense moments.

Support Systems

Build a strong support system of friends, family or community groups. No matter how chilling the moments are in our lives one needs friends in order to feel emotional stability and give you some advice.

Regular Mental Health Check-Ups

Check your head once in a while to make sure everything is still okay and if there is need, consult experts on these issues. The earlier you act, the better; this will prevent minor complications from becoming major complications.

So, if the manifold explanations for the committing of murder by individuals are well known, then we will be well-placed to avert such misfortunes. Focusing on the client’s psychological, social and environmental resources and assisting in mobilizing effective coping strategies can be viewed as a step towards building a more secure society. Preventing violence and promoting peace requires one to prioritize mental health, enhance communication among people as well as compromise. If you have found, feels, or suspision of any kind of crime please inform to the police as soon as possible. Your 1 call in 911 could save the lifes.

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