Sharpinn ArticlesMust know these General Knowledge and Facts of United States

Must know these General Knowledge and Facts of United States

General Knowledge Related to United States

General knowledge is about a lot of things, like history, science, politics, geography and more. It helps us to learn more, think better, predect and understand the situation. We can talk to others and represent yourself as a smart person. Being smart is most essential things in this competitive world. As much as you have general knowledge, that much your worlds generate the power. So let’s learn some general knowledge here:

World Highest Peak : Mount Everest (8848.86 m)
World Deepest Valley : Nepal’s Arun Valley (5,571 m)
Deepest Lake : Lake Baikal (31,720 km²)
Largest Country : Russia 17.1 million Km²)
Smallest Country : Vatiacl City (0.44 km²)
Longest River : Nile Rivere (6,650 km)
Largest Ocean : Pacific Ocean
Largest Desert : Sahara Desert
First Man on the Moon : Neil Armstrong
Second Man on the Moon : Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin
World’s Largest Continent : Asia
Largest mammal : Blue Whale
Lighest Gas : Hydrogen
Deepest Oecean : Mariana Trench (Challenger Deep)
Largest Planet : JUpitere
Smallest Planet : Mercury
Longest Lifespan Animal: Giant Tortoise
World’s Oldest University: University of al-Qarawiyyin, Morocco
Largest Bird : Ostrich
Fastest Land Animal: Cheetah
Largest Flower : Fafflesia Arnoldii
Largest Island : Greenland
Which is the Largest Democracy Country?: India
Highest Waterfall :Angel Falls, Venezuela
Largest Lake in the World : Caspian Sea
Smallest bone in buman body : Stapes (in ear)
Largest Diamond Ever : Cullinan Diamond
Fastest Animal in the Ocean : Sailfish
Longest Mountain Range : Andes
Chemical Symbol for Gold : Au
Red Planet Called : Mars
Largest Organ of Human : Skin
Tallest Mammal on Earth : Giraffe
Largest Organ of Human body: Liver
When did Titanik Sink : 1912

Fastest Bird : Peregrine Falcon

Also read: Most Famous Stadiums and their Capacity around the world

National Flower of Japan : Cherry Blossom
Highest Mountain of North America : Denali
Largest Species of Bigh Cat : Siberian Tiger
Main Component of Earh Atmosphere : Nitrogen
Greek Goddess of Wisdom : AThena
First Woman to win Nobel : Marie Curie
Father of Geometry : Euclid
Father of Modern Chemistry : Antonie Lavoisier
Largest Coffee Producing Country : Brazil
Tallest Building in the world Burj Khalifa (Dubai)
Largest Penisnsula : Arabian Peninsula
Largest Reainforest : Amazon Rainforest
First Man to walk in Space : Yuri Gagarin
Largest bird of Prey : Andean Condor
Country with most time Zones : France
Coldest Place : Oymyakon, Russia
Deepest Canyon : Grand Canyon, USA
Oldest Civilization : Mesopotamia
Largest Saltwater lake : Caspian Sea
Smallest Oecean Arctic Ocean
Largest Inland Sea : Mediterranean Sea
Largest bay : Bay of Bengal
Longest Railway : Trans-Siberian Railway
Largest Man-Made Lake : Lake Volta (Ghana)
Most Islands Country : Sweden
Country with Most Languages Spoken : Papua New Guinea
Highest Capital City : La Paz, Bolivia
Most Common Blood Type  in Human : O Positive
Longest Canal : Grand Canal (China)
American Independent Year : 1776
Longest River of USA : Mississippi River
Sunshine States of USA : Florida
First President of USA : George Washington
Lone Star State : Texas
Empire State: New York
Largest Sate of America : Alaska
National Animal of Afghanistan : Snow Leopard
First American Civil War : 1861
National Animal of India : Royal Bengal Tigere
Main cause of American Civil War : Slavery
National Animal of Japan : Japanese Macaque
National Animal of  China : Chinese Dragon, Panda
How many states in US? : 50 States
National Animal of  Canada : North American Beaver
National Animal of  of Australia : Red Kangaroo
Who discover America? : Cgrustiopher Columbus
When was American Discovered? : 1492

Smallest US State : Rhode Island

First President Live in White House : John Adams
Mount Rushore Located in : South Dakota
Largest Lake in America : Lake Superior (31,700 Square miles)
Who gifted Statue of Liberty to USA? : France
How many Stars in American Flag? : 50 stars
Longest River of United States : Missouri River
How many Territories in US? : 5 territories
Most popular National Park of USA : Great Smokey Mountains National Park
First School of United States : Harvard
First American State : Delaware
When was first US Dollar Printed? : 1862
First Radio Station of USA : KDKA, Pittsburgh
How many Americans were killed in World War II? : 1.3 Million
Call sign of President’s Helicopter : Marine One
First Black President of America : Barack Obama
First Astronaut travel in Space : Alan B. Shepard, Jr
First Domed Air Conditioned Indoor Stadium  City: Houston
First American Orbit the Earth : John Glenn
Who is First Chief Justice of USA? : John Jay

Members of US Senate : 100

Fewest Counties state : Delaware
Capital City of United States : Washington D.C.
New York Stock Exchange Created Year : 1817
Female Defence Workers during World War II : Rosie the Riveter
Highest Peak in 48 Coterminous : Mount Whitney
Kings College Known as : Comumbia University
First Zoo in USA : Philadelphia Zoo
Miss American Pegeant Held City: Atlantic City
Largest River Flows Into Pacific to North America : Columbia River
Pittsburgh City Nickname : Iron City
Stripes in American Flag : 13
Land on the long tidal River : Connecticut
City Known as New Amsterdam : New York City
Lifelife of the South west River Called : Colorado River
Largest State in New England region of US : Maine
Smallest State by Area in USA : Rhode Island
The Crossroads of America : Indiana
Deseret State : Utah
River in Washington D.C. : Potomac River
Where is Death Valley located? : California
Most Interstate Highway Kilometers : Texas
Garden of the Gods situated in : Colorado
First city to ratify Federal Constitution : Delaware
Painted Desert Located : Arizona
First National Park of USA : Yellowstone National park
An assembly of Owls referred as : Parliament
Group of Butterflies : Flutter
Congregation of Rhinoceroses : Crash
Bunch of Otters : Romp
Cluster of Jellyfish : Smack
Group of Hyenas : Cacke
Group of Vultures : Wake
A Group of Crows : Murder

If you have any others Facts regarding Unites States and the whole world, do not hesitate to send message to

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