TechnologyCan Microsoft's AI Revolution Outgrow the PC?

Can Microsoft’s AI Revolution Outgrow the PC?

Microsoft and Google focuses on integrating AI in to PCs and Smartphones respectively. As i attended conferences of both companies focuses on AI. Each of the companies are focusing on different platform; one is PCs and another is Smartphones for AI development.

Despite their focuses on different approaches, we know that both of them are likely to play the big role in the future of AI. Both of the devices have their own importance for different tasks like a Smartphones cannot do the same fast level of writing like in the PCs and PCs are not portable like Smartphones.

Amazingly, these two giant companies backing up the announcement of Microsoft we Qualcomm on PC and Nvidia in the cloud rather than Intel or AMD, two traditional PC Chipmakers. If Intel and AMD complete more, they could have a better position to compete in the AI space.

Which one is better? Smartphones or PCs

The two giant companies, Google and Microsoft showcases the demonstration of interacting with smartphones and pcs. According to Google, As you smartphone is always available with you, you can use its camera easily to interact with AI.

Firefly Smartphone AI vs PC computer AI
Firefly Smartphone AI vs PC computer AI. Source: Sharpinn

While Microsoft showcases the demonstration of interacting with PCs. It learns from the digital communications, gaming activities, work habits, skills, and capabilities from our PC. AI learns how you deal with long-term communication to improve the understanding of the processes, capabilities, and skills.

Both of the platforms should be consistent while using AI. Both Google and Microsoft are starting their technological wars between them. In my way, the most beneficial way to collaborate rather the complete than can bridge both platforms, and smartphone.

Quality Over Performance

I am seeing that the Microsoft seems to prioritize speed of development in AI integration which is potentially neglecting quality control. With the quality issue, development could lead to more frequent errors in the AI systems. These kinds of frequent errors could loss user trust in the reliability and safety of AI systems.

In my view, the AI industries are more focusing on achieving faster performance and development of AI rather than addressing the quality issues. Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang said “you don’t need to learn how to code” is rather a sad statement to the developers which shows a potential decrease in the pool of developers who can identify errors and understand the complexities in the AI systems.

Microsoft should more focus on quality for their AI development because their tools are for buildings, designing vehicles rather than user entertainments like google. There is high risks in Microsoft’s work as it has a higher quality requirement than Google.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

In the Microsoft conference, they displayed a very different and compelling set of use cases of AI. It includes helping the blind people by using the ability of AI to describe what it is seeing and providing the right direction and for the people with paraplegia, AI can provide communication and even control their movement to the people.

AI Benefits
AI Benefits. Image Source:

AI tools could assist teachers in many ways like potentially making them more effective and allowing teachers to dedicate their free time to the individual students and it could help their parents dedicate their time to their children like playing video games. I find that the AI helping teachers is very important because it is important for the future generations.

Dear readers, If you have any message or suggestion for us, please message us on Thank you, Suvam Burma

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