HealthHow To Prevent And Control Bird Flue (H5N2) in Humans?

How To Prevent And Control Bird Flue (H5N2) in Humans?

In Mexico City, a deadly H5N2 Bird flu strain has killed a 59 year-old man, causing concerns of an imminent pandemic that could devastate all humanity.

In Mexico City a 59 years old man has died from the H5N2 strain Bird flue infection. Many article said that this particular strain of bird flue (H5N2) had not been previously seen in humans. Thus this news has terryfying to many peple.

The virus, may have been more susceptible due to underlying conditions of poor health, like diabetes as well as recurrent kidney problems. Despite the fact that there was no evident contact with any birds or animals. The man who has died was suffered from signs and symptoms like high temperatures. Also difficulty in breathing among others finally leading him die in June 6, 2024.

The patient in his or her surrounding area who showed flu symptoms as well as those who did not show any symptoms. None of these contacts had tested positive for flu. Scientist, Doctors, Veterinarians and Researchers are still being investigated with serologic tests pending as to how it affected the spread and transmission process of this particular kind of virus.

This case is an example that emphasizes the need for caution in monitoring and taking action when there are possible cases of bird flu, and also for ongoing research and monitoring efforts aimed at understanding and preventing the dangers linked with the novel types of avian influenza.

A man died in Mexico, because of Avian Influenza, Image Source: sharpinn

It is really important that there are steps put in place to prevent humans from getting bird flu from birds, they are very important. The below actions that can be taken by an individual in order to avoid the spread of bird flu:

Prevention Measures of Bird Flue:

  1. Avoid Contact with Birds: We must not have to be in contact with birds, especially wild birds and others poultry, including hens, ducks, and geese.
  2. Practice Good Hygiene:
  • After handling birds or visiting poultry farms, wash your hands meticulously with water and soap Avoid touching your face using unwashed hands
  • Make sure you properly dispose of tissues, and always cover your nose during a cough or when sneezing with an elbow or tissue.
  1. Cook Poultry Products Thoroughly: You should cook all avian products such as chicken and eggs carefully to destroy any potential viruses.
  2. Handle Raw Poultry Carefully: Make sure to separate all the cutting boards and utensils should be used on uncooked poultry, then cleaned out properly after use.
  3. Avoid Undercooked Eggs: We should avoid eating slightly cooked or raw eggs because they might have dangerous bacteria or viruses. Even the Chicken BBQ or other’s low cooked dishes should be avoided.
Wearing Protective suit in the Poultry farm, Image Source: sharpinn

Control for spereading or Transmitting Birdflue to human:

  1. Surveillance and Monitoring: Put up surveillance systems to watch the bird populations for signs of bird flu.
  2. Quarantine and Culling: Quarantine measures and spilled infected or at risk bird populations should be implemented to avoid the multipication of the virus.
  3. Biosecurity Measures: Maintain the strict biosafety standards for poultry farms, maintain surveillance at entry points, clean and sterilize tools and vehicles. And ensure that there is no contact between wild birds and poultry.
Bird Flue Prevention
Wearing a protective suit in the poultry farm, prevent to transmitted Infection in human, Image Source: sharpinn
  1. Vaccination: The use of vaccines will help prevent chickens against this deadly pandemic. Protection of birds from bird flu can reduce chances of humans contracting it.
  2. Public Awareness and Education: Raise awareness among the general public, farmers and poultry worker on the risks of bird flu. And the necessity of following prescribed preventive measure.
  3. Healthcare Preparedness: Ensure the medical facilities are ready to promptly diagnose and treat cases of avian influenza.

A successful strategy against bird flu involves a variety of activities at different levels: personal involvement, community and state-level activities. Furthermore, if everybody keeps clean, avoids touching any birds and puts proper control programmes into practice.

We shall be able cut off bird flu transmission and safeguard our general well being. One can only hope for real efficiency of these solutions under the condition. They are always timely updated with new information coming from public heath bodies. If you have any messages or suggestion for sharpinn, please email us. Thank You.


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